Salles Thaïlande musée Guimet

Works on loan and deposit

The collections of the Musée Guimet can be temporarily available to museums and cultural institutions for exhibitions projects. 


Making your request for a loan or deposit

If the exhibition is to be held in Europe the request for a loan must arrive at the latest 7 months before the opening date of the exhibition. 
If the exhibition takes place outside of Europe, the minimum time limit is 9 months.
The request is examined by the loans and deposits commission  of the Musée National des Arts Asiatiques – Guimet that meets once a month.
The final decision for a loan is reached after the request has been examined by the scientific commission of national museums assembled in a loans and deposits commission held every month (except in Summer).


Each request will be closely examined in keeping with the following criteria:

  • The applicant’s scientific and cultural project
  • The state of conservation of the work requested, its fragility, its possibility of travelling and being exhibited
  • The conditions of security, conservation and reception provided by the requesting establishment, featuring in the “facility report”
  • The quality and juridical status of the borrowing establishment as well as its personnel training
  • The status of the work and its eventual restrictive loan clauses (deposit from another institution, gift limited by clauses…)
  • The availability of the work (a work on permanent exhibition, a work engaged in another exhibition project…)

Every request aimed at extending the loan beyond the time initially scheduled must imperatively reach the Musée Guimet at the latest 2 months before the date initially scheduled for the closing of the exhibition

The borrower is responsible for all the costs relative to the extension. If there are several exhibition sites, loans can never be granted for more than three locations, which will be specified as soon as the first requests for the loan are made. In the case of several borrowers, a loan prototype will be signed with each of the borrowers. Fragile works can be loaned for one place only.

What must the request for a loan specify?

  • Final title of the exhibition
  • Name of the institution and person in charge (director and/or curator of the exhibition)
  • Dates of the exhibition
  • Date of the opening to the public
  • Dates, sites, and details of eventual travelling of the event
  • Email and telephone data of the various contacts (curator,  person in charge of production, manager…)
  • List of works with the inventory number and name of the object
  • Contents of the exhibition (synopsis, scenography sketch) as well as its context (other associated lenders, total number of works…)
  • Exhibition conditions (facility report)

Loan conditions

Availability and restitution of the works

The works are available at the earliest 15 working days before the opening of the exhibition.

The works are loaned with their mounting and basing system if they exist. Should the loan require specific equipment it will be made with the previous agreement of the Musée Guimet. 

Relative expenses are the borrower’s responsibility.

The works are returned to the Musée Guimet as soon as possible and at the latest three weeks after the exhibition closes.


The catalogue is to be designed by the borrower, who two months after the opening of the exhibition at the latest will send to Monsieur Aadil Boulghallat 5 free copies of said catalogue or the publication edited for the exhibition.

Costs at the expense of the borrower

The borrower must respect a certain number of obligations

All expenses relative to shipping, in addition to travel expenses, are due to the borrower: he takes on accommodation costs (including breakfast) as well as per diem costs. The indemnities must cover a minimum stay of 3 days and 2 nights for Europe, and 5 days and 4 nights outside of Europe. The length will be extended if the loan involves a large number of objects.   

The borrower is responsible for expenses  relative to wrappings, transportation, and installation of the works. These expenses include in particular making boxes and crates, their eventual climatic and shockproof monitoring  systems for the transportation of the works and their unpacking when they return to the Musée Guimet storerooms. 

Should the work require a frame, a restoration, or any other intervention before its exhibition, it will be at the borrower’s expense.

Eventual customs formalities, for outbound and return, are exclusively the responsibility of the borrower, who is also responsible for expenses relative to security and preservation, as well as insurance, photography and reproduction. The borrower is also in charge of eventual expenses relative to the extension of the exhibition or after an accident. 


The presence of a Musée Guimet security shipper is required at each stage of the displacement of the works: removal, transportation, delivery, installation including the closed glass case, then during the dismounting up to the works’ return. The shipper represents the museum and has full authority to act so as to warrant the protection of the works for which he is responsible. 

Depending on the number and importance of the loans consented, the Musée national des Arts Asiatiques – Guimet may require several separate transports and therefore as many convoys as shipments. In the instance of several convoys it will be arranged for the insurance value of the transported works in each convoy be as balanced as possible between the different convoys and a distribution according to the nature of the works, in keeping with the lender’s recommendations expressed after receiving the packing list, at least fifteen days before the departure of the works.


Transportation is ensured by a company authorised and specialised in transporting artworks, selected by the borrower, after validation by the Musée Guimet, one month before the departure of the works at the latest.

The automobile vehicles transporting the works must be air-conditioned and fitted with pneumatic suspension, loading tailgate, lock, alarm and fire extinguisher. At least three persons, among whom two drivers and a shipper must be scheduled for each vehicle.

In every instance the transport documents must be exchangeable, especially for air shipping. Foreign and non-European Union borrowers must send an inseizability decree of the borrowed works two months before the departure of the transportation at the latest.

Send your request

Adil Boulghallat
Direction of collections and preventive conservation
Telephone: + 33 (0)1 56 52 53 04

Établissement public du musée national des arts asiatiques-Guimet
6, place d’Iéna
75116 Paris, France

Download the questionnaire relative to the exhibitions conditions (Facility report)
Facility report questionnaire (Français) DownloadFacility report questionnaire (Français)
Facility report questionnaire (English).pdf DownloadFacility report questionnaire (English).pdf

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