Visiteurs dans les salles du musée Guimet

Education professionals

Every group visit, either autonomous or guided by a mediator of the museum, must be reserved in advance with the person in charge of reservations by sending the following form to the email address:

No group can be accepted without this reservation

The request must be formulated at least 10 business days before the desired visit. It must be accompanied by the autonomous reservation form (see below)

For guided visits or ateliers the request must be accompanied by the 3-11 years-old reservation form or the 11-21 years-old reservation form (see below)

Reservations for the first quarter 2024 began on 8 November 2023. Those for the 2nd quarter 2024 begin in January 2024 (date specified later)

The headcount of each school group (up to the last year of secondary school) cannot exceed 30 pupils (including accompanists) in the permanent collections, 20 persons (including accompanists) in the temporary exhibitions, and 28 pupils for the ateliers. Three to four accompanists are required for a group of 20 to 30 pupils. Two accompanists are required for a group of 15 to 20 pupils.

Entrance fee: free for under 26 years old, teachers with their up-to-date professional card and accompanists.

For school groups, guided visits and ateliers cost 80 euros per group and activity.

Independent visits are free (obligatory reservation)

Guided visits for students cost 100 € and are limited to 25 persons, including accompanists.


For security reasons, groups must wait on the rez-de-jardin level, across from the auditorium, and not linger in the museum entrance hall.

Forms to fill out
Bulletin de réservation - visite autonome scolaires DownloadBulletin de réservation - visite autonome scolaires
Bulletin de réservation 3-11 ans DownloadBulletin de réservation 3-11 ans
Bulletin de réservation 11-21-ans DownloadBulletin de réservation 11-21-ans

Reservations for educational activities:

Save an event beyond our control, your reservation request will be treated 10 days after its reception at the latest.
Confirmation of your reservation will be sent to you by mail. You must bring it with you on the day of your visit to the museum.
Any activity cancellation not received 7 days prior to the scheduled visit will be invoiced.

Reservations for the period from July to September started on June 3rd, 2024.

Reservations for the period from October to December will start on July 3rd, 2024. 

Ateliers maternelles et élémentaires DownloadAteliers maternelles et élémentaires
Ateliers collège et lycée DownloadAteliers collège et lycée
Visite maternelles et primaires DownloadVisite maternelles et primaires
Visite collège et lycée DownloadVisite collège et lycée

Reservations for independent visits:

The request must be made at least 10 days prior to the requested date of the visit.

Save events beyond our control, your reservation request will be handled at the most 10 days after its reception.

Some teachers wish to ensure their pupils’ behaviour and their pedagogical accompaniment in the museum.

We invite all these teachers to prepare their visit. It is important to get one’s bearings in advance. Our advice is to not present more than a dozen works during a visit, selecting them not only for their interest but also their visibility.

Préparez votre visite DownloadPréparez votre visite

Talking is subject to rules in the museum. Only teachers and lecturers possessing a professional card are allowed to take the floor before a group. They must be wearing a “person in charge” badge that they will be given on arrival in the museum.

In the instance when a guide to the visit was written by the teacher to  encourage the pupils’ observation on their own, we strongly advise breaking up the class in small groups under an accompanist’s responsibility.

The art and applied arts schools teachers who come with their pupils to draw in the permanent collections are invited during their sketching sessions to not linger near the safety exits and to be careful to leave the areas of circulation easily accessible.

For more information
For all information and questions, e-mail:


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