Historic Library

Discover in the heart of the museum an exceptional place steeped in history.

In 1891, when the museum was still mainly focused on religions, Émile Guimet organised Buddhist ceremonies there: Georges Clémenceau was among the Parisians who discovered this spirituality without leaving the capital.

In 1905 Émile Guimet invited there a Dutch dancer who amazed the Tout-Paris with her orientalised and erotic performances of Brahminical dances. It was after she danced through the columns of the historical library that she would be given her stage name: Mata Hari.

Mata Hari et des Wayang dansant dans la bibliothèque du Musée Guimet

Mata Hari et des Wayang dansant dans la bibliothèque du Musée Guimet

Photo (C) RMN-Grand Palais (MNAAG, Paris) / Gérard Blot

Today the library holds a collection of over 100 000 books specialised in the ancient arts and archaeology of Eastern and Far-Eastern Asia.

A superb tribute to the museum as Émile Guimet had wished it and known, in 1979 the library was classified historical monument. It hosts temporary exhibitions on the first floor.

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