Summoned by ancient sound, the silhouette of Medea, princess of Colchis, comes in with gliding steps, moved by motions of long ago. The irremediable is coming: killing her own children, in the name of a revenge that has nothing human…
The Sangaku company goes back to the sacred horror that seized Ancient Greeks and Romans when they went to see a tragedy with Nô Medea, a show in which the ceremonial aspect of Noh Theatre brings flesh and voice to the Senecan tragedy.
Text and art direction: Maxime Pierre
Music and choir direction: Richard Emmert
Danse and choreographic direction: Masato Matsuura
Stage supervision: Lluis Valls
Accessoiries: Marine Donadoni
Musicians: Kayu Omura (shoulder drum), Eitaro Okura (hip drum), Yuka Toyoshima (noh flute), Kazuha Nakata (taiko)
Actors: Masato Matsuura (Medea), Karen Twidle (caretaker), Benoît de Spoelberch (Jason), Ito Yamachi (Messenger)
Choir: Richard Emmert, Khadija El Mahdi, Thomas Legendre, Paul Ngo Si Xuyen, Laura Sampson, Ashley Thorpe, Manon Villanneau
Creation: Compagnie Sangaku in collaboration with the Nohgaku Theatre and the Ecole des Deux Spirales
Supported by the Japan Foundation, the Fondation de France, and Universities of Orléans and Paris Cité
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